dimecres, 31 de gener del 2018

Support English teachers

We are very lucky this academic year because Frankie and Yousra work with us.
They both are the support English teachers and they are here to help us and Emilia.
Frankie worked with us 2 years ago, and he enjoyed the experience so much that he decided to come back. He helps us improve our oral skills. We love his American accent from Philadelphia.
We first met Yousra some months ago. She was born in Morocco but she moved to the island at the age of 3.
Thanks to them we can make smaller groups in order to be able to learn and work better.
We hope they have a great time with us.

Enguany som molt afortunats per poder fer feina amb en Frankie i na Yousra, els dos professors de suport d’anglès.

En Frankie ja va fer feina amb nosaltres fa 2 anys i va gaudir tant de l’experiència, que enguany ha tornat al nostre centre. Ens ajuda a millorar el nostre oral i ens encanta el seu accent americà de Filadèlfia.

A na Yousra la vàrem conèixer fa uns mesos. Va néixer al Marroc però va venir a Mallorca amb 3 anys.

Gràcies a ells, podem desdoblar grups per poder aprendre i treballar millor.

Esperam que tenguin un bon any amb nosaltres i s’ho passin molt bé.

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